Three spaces – Complexity, Curiosity and Storytelling

(Texto em Português depois deste)


Curiously simple

My curiosity always questions why a movement is there, or what emotions are linked to that movement at certain points within the music. It’s important to know and think what you are dancing about as you don’t want to disrespect the choreography, the choreographer nor perform the dance with the wrong emotions. It all comes back to the joys of learning and developing your skills on how to execute movements.”

We feel curiosity when we feel a gap between what we know and what we do not know, so it all comes back to learning.

Curiosity can be defined as a need or desire for knowledge that is essential for motivation.

Curiosity is our main ally in understanding the complexity that involves many challenges we face today.

Almost everything seems complex and yet many of us are looking for is simplicity.

Recent studies Say That most leaders and managers (CEOs) Identified complexity to the challenge. They want the creative leadership, to reinvent relationships with customers and Adopt a customer-centric approach.

It “seems in fact a complex world When dealing with relationships with people in an environment in constant development, But there are tools to decode this complexity and present it the simplicity.

For example, stories are an important component of direct sales. The stories always Have Been a fundamental part of any business model works, Although with different strategies.

Different Strategies in the narrative Have a very strong role in knowledge transfer. If we’re in the situation face to face, There Is Almost Always room for a very sentimental approach Can Effectively grab the attention of recipients. This personalization Contribute to identification with the content and the information to Be transferred.

The goal of any story is to create enough curiosity to take a step forward. Curiosity Plays a critical role in the brain’s innate Ability to Bridge the Gap Between what we know and not know of.

We tell stories because we want to Achieve These stories and what results we want to Achieve is the comprehension of complex things.

And I think the best way to tell the story of how to live with simplicity to complexity is The Following Laws of Simplicity John Maeda:

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Three spaces – Complexity, Curiosity and Storytelling

My curiosity always ask, why is it that a movement is there, or because the emotions are linked to this movement, at certain points within the music. It is important to know and think what we’re dancing, how not to want to disrespect the choreography, choreographer, dance or perform with the wrong emotions. Everything goes back to the joys of learning and developing skills to perform it. “

We feel when we feel a curious gap between what we know and do not know, so it all comes back to learning.

Curiosity can be defined as a need or desire for knowledge that is essential for motivation.

Curiosity is our main ally in understanding the complexity that involves many challenges we face today.

Almost everything seems complex and yet many of us are looking for is simplicity.

Recent studies say that most leaders and managers (CEOs) identified complexity as a challenge. They want a creative leadership, to reinvent relationships with customers and adopt a customer-centric approach.

It seems a world of fact when dealing with complex relationships with people in an environment in constant development, but there are tools to decode this complexity and present it as simplicity.

For example, stories are an important component of direct sales. The stories have always been a fundamental part of any business model works, although with different strategies.

Different strategies in the narrative have a very strong role in knowledge transfer. If we’re in a situation face to face, there is almost always room for a sentimental approach can very effectively grab the attention of recipients. This personalization contributes to an identification with the content and the information to be transferred.

The goal of any story is to create curiosity enough to take a step forward. Curiosity plays a critical role in the brain’s innate ability to bridge the gap between what we know and do not know.

We tell stories because we want these stories to achieve results.

And I think the best way to tell the story of how to live with simplicity to complexity is following the laws of simplicity

John Maeda



2 Respostas

  1. […] Three spaces – Complexity, Curiosity and Sorytelling by @jabaldaia Author: Jorge Comments: View Comments Date: 10 Oct 2010 Categories: Must reads of the week Tags: customer service, Decision making, forbes, Innovation and Idea Management, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Management, management blog comments powered by Disqus /* __compete_code = 'b705d7826d7ad1366fa1905e492990ea'; (function () { var s = document.createElement('script'), d = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], t = 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? '' : ''; s.src = t + __compete_code + '/bootstrap.js'; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = 'async'; if (d) { d.appendChild(s); } }()); _qoptions={ qacct:"p-0d_hdxhH0yffQ" }; var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-2224529-18']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : ' http://www&#039😉 + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); […]

  2. […] Three spaces – Complexity, Curiosity and Sorytelling « Jabaldaia’s Blog. […]

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