Learning with children – Organizations

(Texto em Português)

Live as a child in organizations

With the inspiration of a comment on this blog, done by Ana Neves “… throw the idea of a fourth role that if played regularly by the employees of an organization, can help even more in the conquest of a culture of continuous learning: the kid” I call for a little child who we all have in us.

-All we where children and we remember the joy of being!

-All we have heard children and live with their curiosity!

-All of us have seen children and was surprised with its creativity!

-We all need to learn how to learn!

-All of us would like to adapt to change as it happens with children.

Organizations, of which we are part, cannot restrict to handle knowledge as if this were a sculpture of Miguel Angelo, which needs only maintenance, in addition to satisfy our need for aesthetics contemplation.

It is true that a work of Miguel Angelo represents much more than that, because to carry out, since the choice of stone to the choice of tools and workplaces through observation and reflection, it is necessary to many hours of learning and research.

Knowledge in organizations represents a factor of competitiveness that needs constant updating.

The new business environments are characterized not only by the rapid pace of change, but also by the discontinuous nature of the change. This new environment, by its dynamic discontinuous change, requires a revision to the view of knowledge management.

The need for adaptation requires a new approach in the learning and acquiring new skills.

Years ago the adults were models of development of children, youths and even adults in career progression, when inserted into organizations. Today it is necessary look to these children and young people as a source of inspiration and reflection. What is needed is a reversal of roles, which is not only for learning with children, but also passes, often by accepting coaching from younger generations. It is the new technologies that oblige.

Kids are curious, observe, discuss, and share and learn how to build the future and face up to adversity.

An organization there is no shortage of opportunities to play this role, which gives us a better understanding of the problems and find easy solutions to solve them.

The lack of curiosity in adults results, in my point of view, from the desire to maintenance of our comfort zone. Curiosity implies action, imply the unexpected and can lead to fear of the unknown. This is not just a curiosity more common in organizations that refers to the previous day or hair color XXX Princess.

Curiosity is a step or a space in the discovery of new knowledge.

But the children do not stay only be curiosity. Experimenting new entries, manipulating objects, combining colors, children are a place for fun.

Adults, on the contrary, establish standards of good behavior and determine appropriate locations for your display.

Are unfortunately too serious and protocol people. Deny the resiliency and like stating the commandments that they have been taught. Today, more than ever, it is useful only teach you how to learn and find new ways to develop the well-being with joy and fun.

Many of the greatest leaders of the world had and have senses of humor impressive.

It is not surprising, therefore, that I say that organizations should prepare their leaders to create an atmosphere of fun.

We have no fun and joy, because there is a stigma associated with “fun”, that is, because it is inappropriate to a professional work environment.

Why is it so important that organizations teach their leaders to embrace what is more fun?

-To relieve tension and pressure, an aspect this is essential to get the maximum performance of their collaborators.

Some studies show that there is a direct correlation between being physically relaxed and acuity or driving skill, performing tasks, the interaction of the team, generating ideas, creativity, etc.

Look for a good example of this type of correlation.

Virtually all of us have already seen a game of basketball. To recall a little “our game”, easily a smile if loose when you see the ball rotate between the fingers of a player or even give a laugh if our player launches the ball into the basket leaving the opponent perfectly upheaval.

The images of a game of basketball, give a clear idea of what is fun at work. If players are tense wrong come into field throughout his agility represents fun and relaxation begins to flow. Team entertains, WINS.

Today there is no doubt that the humor and fun during the work is not an option, they are fundamental to building an environment that propel the proper individual performance, team and organization.

Have fun!

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